Wednesday 4 April 2012

All Of Sudden

Greeting the citizen of the earth,
In this very day i wanna told you a mesmerize story about a fighter who is rise above hate. His name was Ezamir the maestro kid....

In the mid 90's, a baby boy was born in the middle of the war..Revenge Of The Sith that what the people called the war..the dark force are dominating the the middle of the chaos, a padawan(sape tgk star wars dia tau la) took the baby to a place called Gombucks..he bring along all his fighting gear cause he knew that one day  the boy will defeat the dark force because the boy is the chosen one.

20 years had past..the boy had grown up and physically trained by the padawan..the boy learned all type of battle technique in order to defeat the dark force..then, the padawan said It's time and the boy nodded..get rid of the nerves and be strong cause this is as far as i can go..i don't have the will to continue and you must go alone...

One against Thousand...the boy stand alone holding his one and only sword called "Predator"..sweat running down his cheek...event though they were thousand's of army but he doesn't show any the blink of an eye, he stand in front the chief with the sword pointing to the neck..then suddenly..........

Adoiii...sakit la..kau ni mengacau je la..hish...aku baru nk bunuh org jahat cut the stim la bro...hahah tu la kau membuta je keje..sekali kne ketuk dgn roomate da...nasib2 hahah

p/s : kepada org2 di luar sane jgn la selalu membuta di siang hari atau anda akan menjadi seperti burung hantu di malam hari..hahah the true is never give up before u try walaupun berdepan dgn sesuatu that you all not expected okey..hee all the best in the future :)

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