Tuesday 10 April 2012

Who is he??

Assalamualaikum peps...
hahah...well saje nk berstory psl sorg budak ni...lelaki la tapi hee :)

The story begin like this...hahaha

15/4/1994 merangkap hari Jumaat adalah tarikh bagi kelahiran bagi budak tu(malas nk sebut nama dia)...start masuk kindergarten  seawal umur 5 tahun hahah(mengada nk skolah awal) and budak ni adalah anak ke-3 daripada 5..budak ni pelik sikit emosi dia kadang2 elok kadang x...haha he is obsess with Steven Gerrard and Liverpool F.C..he is unique in some ways and love to sing  since dari kecik..hee

Hobby dia pulak..he's like to laugh and smile(bapak pelik)hahah he also like to cut articles in the newspaper(actually gambar footballer)...he love's to play football, rugby, handball, and so on...well x semua guys are tough..budak ni nampak je besar on the outside but sometimes ade la jgk tears..haha kalau you all nk tau budak ni jgk kuat berangan and agak perasan sikit...hahah dia ni jgk tgh try to control his anger and sbb tu la dia masuk pusat latihan kemarahan(gurau je)..he is actually friendly, kind and willing to help other who need his help but if he find that someone is a backstabber...hang jaga la(evil laugh)hahaha...

Always been understanding and caring..haha this boy makes his father, grandfather, mahathir and steven gerrard as his top idol plus inspiration..he is also a Aerospace engineer wannabe..lupa plak budak ni tinggi dia 182 and berat dia x ingat la plak..hahah budak ni suka cari susah tp tak suka disusahkan and he like's patung and toy's hahah sebijik mcm budak2..dia ni jgk suka senyum xtentu pasal(name pn hobby kn)haha and kalau nmpk dia senyum tu balas la senyuman dia balik :)

Who is this mysterious boy actually??urmmmmmmmm...

Ni la bdk tu..name dia Ezzat Ezamir                                            

p/s : Be yourself and believe yourself...ingat senyum itu sedekah hee and please don't judge a book by its cover k..that's all from me..have a good day peps...chow :)

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