Thursday 12 April 2012

18 Again hee :)

Assalamualaikum again peps..

Post ni sepatutnye dibuat pada 15/4/2012 merangkap my birthday...hahaha i'm 18 y'all
bapak la da tua..hahah well ayah kate my Super 18 birthday nk celebrate kat Anfield(gurau je)hahah..
i'm no longer been called kids..i'm a teenager now hahah(evil laugh)..syok bak hang :)
kejap je umur da 18 tahun..haha getting older but the same time getting smarter plus handsome hahah(perasan siot) tah pape je..anyway Happy Birthday to me and ape lagi mcm biase la Indulgence je la cake for Birthday ni..dengan harapan anjakan paradigma akan berlaku..hahah ayat nk gempak je all the peps jgn lupa bagi  birthday present k...xkira la anda jauh ke dekat..hahah :)

Can't wait laaaa...hee :)

Le Birthday Boy..haha Ezzat Ezamir Mazhar :)

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