Tuesday 17 April 2012

Shocking Moment In My Life :)

Assalamualaikum you guys..hee

Me wanna share with you a socking story that is happen to me..
Le story begin like this....

On the Saturday morning..my mom wake me up "Ejat, bangun la p teman ayah hantar ejim g skolah" di tambah pula dengan ajakan ayah yg nk g survey handphone..ape lagi ikut la jawapanye..hee and so that early morning terpaksa la ikut..walaupun mengantuk nk mampos tp handphone pnye pasal..ikut je la..

After breakfast and hantar ejim..me and my dad p survey handphone hee..with the help of my uncle i choose Samsung Galaxy Wonder as my handphone and harga pn not so bad jgk la..hee then at 12 lepas ambil ejim from school..we had lunch at grandma house and by that time makan sikit je la abb nk balik makan masakan ibu hee :)

Sesampai je di Rawang..jeng jeng jeng...keanehan melanda..."apehal la gelap semacam je rumah aku ni??ibu tidur kot" bisik hati kecil hahah..tetapi makan tersedia dgn banyak nya di luar rumah and ditambah pula dengan kasut2 yg x bersusun(haha kantoi da ni)...dengan langkah yg berjaga2 masuk ke rumah....

Terkejut bak hg plus terharu..hahah rase nk nangis pn ade jgk..haha tp x la nangis depan org ramai jatuh saham kot..hee Sobrina, Hanim, Sabrina, Syaza, Aisyah, Belong, Nazran and Ikhmal yg ade time tu...thnx guys :)

Time tu ibu masak bkn main bnyk lagi plus dgn buah tgn yg diorg bwk from their home and guess what me got a birthday present..YAHOOO!!!hahah kitorg makan and main game SEVEN and KILLER..haha sumpah happening..diorg semua sporting je tu yg syok tu..hahah :)

 Me cupcakes :)

 Playing SEVEN and KILLER games

 Le boys :p

 Le girls :D

All of us :)

p/s : hargai la persahabatan yg ade dan janganlah korg khianati persahabatan kerana kawan yg baik sukar dicari..i just wanna say that thanx to my beloved friends yg menjayakan surprised birthday party ni and i hoipe that our relationship kekal till the end..really love u guys..hahah

Thursday 12 April 2012

18 Again hee :)

Assalamualaikum again peps..

Post ni sepatutnye dibuat pada 15/4/2012 merangkap my birthday...hahaha i'm 18 y'all
bapak la da tua..hahah well ayah kate my Super 18 birthday nk celebrate kat Anfield(gurau je)hahah..
i'm no longer been called kids..i'm a teenager now hahah(evil laugh)..syok bak hang :)
kejap je umur da 18 tahun..haha getting older but the same time getting smarter plus handsome hahah(perasan siot) tah pape je..anyway Happy Birthday to me and ape lagi mcm biase la Indulgence je la cake for Birthday ni..dengan harapan anjakan paradigma akan berlaku..hahah ayat nk gempak je :p..to all the peps jgn lupa bagi  birthday present k...xkira la anda jauh ke dekat..hahah :)

Can't wait laaaa...hee :)

Le Birthday Boy..haha Ezzat Ezamir Mazhar :)

For You Dear :)

Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day

Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me
And it's so, it's so, sad to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look ok, I say

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are(yeah)

Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she let me
Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day

Oh, you know, you know, you know, I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
So, don't even bother asking if you look ok
You know I'll say

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are
The way you are, the way you are
Girl you're amazing, just the way you are

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are. Yeah

Special for you my dear walaupun bukan saya yg play the guitar..haha
tp i ade collaboration la dgn budak ni(just kidding)haha and i hope u like it
Love U Sobrina <3


Assalamualaikum semua...

Hari ni aku nk bagi random talk and awal2 mintak maaf bagi sesiapa yg terasa k..hee :)
org selalu ckp kau ni siapa??Muka da la tak seberapa and hajat besar plak tu??..well ni la hakikat yg berlaku sekarang(kalau korg nk tau la)..aku ni bukan ape just dalam masa 5 tahun aku da bnyk merantau ke tempat org and pepatah pn ade kate "Banyak Udang Banyak Garam, Banyak Orang Banyak Ragam"..lately fenomena yg berlaku ramai manusia yg x berapa nk popular and etc diketepikan..ape lah masalah korg nk bergaul ngan org cm tu eak??pelik2 je..kalau korg kat tempat diorg ape kau rase??ni opinion aku tau..

Aku ni x la baik sangat tp boleh la..tp dlm hal pilih kwn ni aku x pilih rupa or else..org ade kate lagi "Berkawan Biar Beribu, Berkasih Biar Satu" and news flash quotes from Hanim Khaleeda a.k.a my best friends "Musuh Biar Satu, Kawan Biar Beribu"..urmm betul ke tu Hanim??xpernah plak aku dnga haha..aku rase la kn..kite hidup kat dunia ni kalau boleh kite elakkan dari ade musuh..kite dgn cara kita and diorg dgn cara diorg..org xtau ape kite buat lagipun pendeta Islam pernah berkata "Satu Kebaikan Kita Buat, Sepuluh Keburukkan Yang Datang" and that's a fact k..biarlah ape orang nk kate kat kite asalkan kite tau ape yg kite buat..before my grandfather MOHD NOR BIN JION meninggal dunia and he's one of my inspiraition pernah berkata "Dalam Sesuatu Yang Kita Buat, Buat la Dengan Ikhlas Dicampur Dengan Niat" dan "Kalau Tangan Kanan Memberi, Tangan Kiri Tidak Tahu"..kalau nk tau my grandfather ni pandai berkias and harap korg faham la kiasan dia tu..
Al-Fatihah untuk my atok....

Last but not least...just be yourself and believe in yourself  insyaAllah nothing can stop you..jadilah org yg berwawasan and berpendirian..and all the best in the future :)

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Who is he??

Assalamualaikum peps...
hahah...well saje nk berstory psl sorg budak ni...lelaki la tapi hee :)

The story begin like this...hahaha

15/4/1994 merangkap hari Jumaat adalah tarikh bagi kelahiran bagi budak tu(malas nk sebut nama dia)...start masuk kindergarten  seawal umur 5 tahun hahah(mengada nk skolah awal) and budak ni adalah anak ke-3 daripada 5..budak ni pelik sikit emosi dia kadang2 elok kadang x...haha he is obsess with Steven Gerrard and Liverpool F.C..he is unique in some ways and love to sing  since dari kecik..hee

Hobby dia pulak..he's like to laugh and smile(bapak pelik)hahah he also like to cut articles in the newspaper(actually gambar footballer)...he love's to play football, rugby, handball, and so on...well x semua guys are tough..budak ni nampak je besar on the outside but sometimes ade la jgk tears..haha kalau you all nk tau budak ni jgk kuat berangan and agak perasan sikit...hahah dia ni jgk tgh try to control his anger and sbb tu la dia masuk pusat latihan kemarahan(gurau je)..he is actually friendly, kind and willing to help other who need his help but if he find that someone is a backstabber...hang jaga la(evil laugh)hahaha...

Always been understanding and caring..haha this boy makes his father, grandfather, mahathir and steven gerrard as his top idol plus inspiration..he is also a Aerospace engineer wannabe..lupa plak budak ni tinggi dia 182 and berat dia x ingat la plak..hahah budak ni suka cari susah tp tak suka disusahkan and he like's patung and toy's hahah sebijik mcm budak2..dia ni jgk suka senyum xtentu pasal(name pn hobby kn)haha and kalau nmpk dia senyum tu balas la senyuman dia balik :)

Who is this mysterious boy actually??urmmmmmmmm...

Ni la bdk tu..name dia Ezzat Ezamir                                            

p/s : Be yourself and believe yourself...ingat senyum itu sedekah hee and please don't judge a book by its cover k..that's all from me..have a good day peps...chow :)

Wednesday 4 April 2012

All Of Sudden

Greeting the citizen of the earth,
In this very day i wanna told you a mesmerize story about a fighter who is rise above hate. His name was Ezamir the maestro kid....

In the mid 90's, a baby boy was born in the middle of the war..Revenge Of The Sith that what the people called the war..the dark force are dominating the earth..in the middle of the chaos, a padawan(sape tgk star wars dia tau la) took the baby to a place called Gombucks..he bring along all his fighting gear cause he knew that one day  the boy will defeat the dark force because the boy is the chosen one.

20 years had past..the boy had grown up and physically trained by the padawan..the boy learned all type of battle technique in order to defeat the dark force..then, the padawan said It's time and the boy nodded..get rid of the nerves and be strong cause this is as far as i can go..i don't have the will to continue and you must go alone...

One against Thousand...the boy stand alone holding his one and only sword called "Predator"..sweat running down his cheek...event though they were thousand's of army but he doesn't show any fear..in the blink of an eye, he stand in front the chief with the sword pointing to the neck..then suddenly..........

Adoiii...sakit la..kau ni mengacau je la..hish...aku baru nk bunuh org jahat tu..you cut the stim la bro...hahah tu la kau membuta je keje..sekali kne ketuk dgn roomate da...nasib2 hahah

p/s : kepada org2 di luar sane jgn la selalu membuta di siang hari atau anda akan menjadi seperti burung hantu di malam hari..hahah the true is never give up before u try walaupun berdepan dgn sesuatu that you all not expected okey..hee all the best in the future :)

Monday 19 March 2012

EEM (The Famous Five)

hello peps..
wazzup??hee..just wanna story about my two beloved kakak and my two amazing adik..well let me story about my kakak dlu...hahah..Erisya Ezzaty Mazhar(eldest) and Ezira Ezzrin Mazhar(second eldest)..hee well both of them were studying medic in Tanta, Egypt...my eldest kakak Erisya Ezzaty so called "Kak Long" da masuk 4th year(kalau x silap la) and Ezira Ezzrin le "Kak Ngah" baru second year..hee both of my kakak are likely look the same like twins la katekn..hee but perangai diorg absolutely berbeza..hahah both of them adalah sangat caring and responsible..mostly i would say that i'm glad that both of them were my sister...diorg bnyk encourage me and my adik2...they also taught us always to think positive and go beyond expectations(pinjam moto Malaysia Airlines)ahaks...diorg ni jgk la yg support saya g melancong ke Paris and Spain...hahah bpk best...thnx sngt2 my beloved kakak...

And now for my two amazing adik...heee Ezra Ezzrina(number 4 in the family) and Ezzim Ezail(last one and paling debap)hahah...Ezra Ezzrina ni study dkt Maahad Ahmadi Negeri Sembilan and skola ni adalah skola agama k..hee this year my little sister ade exam PMR..hahah so kne la hardwork jgn jd mcm abg dia..hee and my little brother plak baru darjah 4...masih muda and single...hahah diorg ni carik2 bulu ayam, lame2 bercantum juga...hahah diorg ni perangai pelik2 je...haha so unpredictable...well mcm mane pn diorg tetap adik2 saya...hahah

well for me..hee in another post k...hahah

p/s : ohana means family and family means nobody can get left behind(xtau la betul ke x sbb ni pn curi2 dari story lilo and stitch)ahaks...so love your family members very well and do take a good care of each other..yg paling penting skali jage la name baik keluarga..tu je la kot...hahah

This is us time raya...hee
from top left(Erisya, Ezra, Ezira)
from bottom left(Ezzim, Ezzat)