Thursday 8 March 2012

This Is Love

Assalamualaikum you guys...hee
saje syok2 nk share ni...nowadays semua org had their own love life including me...heee but the ultimate questions is does they love each other??hahah...soalan ni pandai2 la korg jwb eak sbb korg je yg faham perasaan pasangan korg...well a bit advice for all the male which is the minority in this small world...jaga la pasangan korg elok2 sepertimana the girls jage the boys..dalam relationship ni trustworthy la yg paling penting sbb xkira sejauh mane pn korg berjalan/belajar...selagi mane trustworthy tu ade...insya-Allah...hubungan korg akan okey...lagi satu for the guys out there...korg kne faham hati perempuan ni sbb hati diorg ni complicated bak kata Rose-Titanic "a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets, even if you swam through the deepest ocean, you will never make it through this unpredictable heart" so pandai2 la korg selami hati diorg..hee

And for the girls out there...jgn ingt korg sng eak...korg pn kne la faham perasaan seorang lelaki sbb lelaki ni pn agak unpredictable jgk bak kata Jack-Titanic "u jump, i jump, remember??" means that diorg ni sanggup buat ape je utk korg(tp yg masuk akal and munasabah je la)..ahaks..lagi satu lelaki ni try to be the best sbb men's best enemy is himself...lelaki ni perangai diorg pelik2 sikit(name pn lelaki) harap korg mengerti la k..lelaki pn ade tears jgk tau..we were tough on the outside but sometimes smooth in the inside(zaman sekarang kata dalam hati ade taman la)hahah..

For the love bird out there...jage la pasangan anda elok2..jgn biarkn luka lama berdarah kembali(ade kena-mengena tak??)hahah...a wise man pernah berkata "if u wanna find a true love, open you heart a bit and let the light in" and well just be yourself..kalau boleh sayangi and hargailah mereka sepertimana meraka sayangi dan hargai kamu...hee jgn punahkan harapan yang mereka impikan..berilah yang terbaik buat mereka yang anda sayangi k..ahaks..saya rase tu je la kut..sorry kalau ade sape2 yang terasa..jgn malu2 and jgn segan2 nk comment k..hope for a better future(pening2) hahah :)

p/s : I Love You My Princess Sobrina

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