Thursday 1 March 2012

Fantasy to Reality..hee :)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....
live a beautiful princess in a not so big planet called "Melawati"..she was not so tall(tp boleh la)haha..she was fairer and kind(well biase la tu name pn princess)ahak...she has a strong will in a variety of matter and i admired that..hee she was very caring princess..she also has a beautiful smile and unique laugh..but most of all she's cute..hee she live happily with her royal family...until..........(every story has it own climaxes)

One fine day..came a witch and a strong group of soldiers from planet "World behind my wall" come to kidnap the princess..if there is a princess, there must be a prince..hee well the prince come from a tiny planet called "Gombak" with his magical sword "Sony Ericsson" ..the war continued until half of the year and the prince managed to beat the witch with her strong group of soldiers...ahaks..dipendekkan cerita la ea..hee the prince had a deep crush towards the princess and decide to tell the princess about his he choose 22nd of November..on the way to the princess castle, the prince hit the street light post..then.....

Aduhhhhhh!!sakit kut..haha terjaga la putera yg bermimpi..ape lagi tgk la kat phone and ckp "pukul berapa da ni??sekarang ni berapa hari bulan eak??"..omjayyyyyy...hari ni 22/11 la and pukul 11.50 mlm plak tu..cmne ni??ape lagi call la "puteri" tu..hee..mula2 segan nk ckp tp name pn lelaki kn gagah kn jgk..haha org kate kat saya yg "ingatlah wahai pemuda, peluang hanya datang sekali seumur hidup dan rebutlah peluang tu"..kite pn ckp la yg kite nk dia jd SGF kite(special gf la)hee..and dia ckp "yes"..haha and that night x boleh nk tidur(terlampau seronok)haha..well i think u know who kn..hee

p/s : I Love You Princess Sobrina

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