Monday 19 March 2012

EEM (The Famous Five)

hello peps..
wazzup??hee..just wanna story about my two beloved kakak and my two amazing adik..well let me story about my kakak dlu...hahah..Erisya Ezzaty Mazhar(eldest) and Ezira Ezzrin Mazhar(second eldest)..hee well both of them were studying medic in Tanta, eldest kakak Erisya Ezzaty so called "Kak Long" da masuk 4th year(kalau x silap la) and Ezira Ezzrin le "Kak Ngah" baru second year..hee both of my kakak are likely look the same like twins la katekn..hee but perangai diorg absolutely berbeza..hahah both of them adalah sangat caring and responsible..mostly i would say that i'm glad that both of them were my sister...diorg bnyk encourage me and my adik2...they also taught us always to think positive and go beyond expectations(pinjam moto Malaysia Airlines)ahaks...diorg ni jgk la yg support saya g melancong ke Paris and Spain...hahah bpk best...thnx sngt2 my beloved kakak...

And now for my two amazing adik...heee Ezra Ezzrina(number 4 in the family) and Ezzim Ezail(last one and paling debap)hahah...Ezra Ezzrina ni study dkt Maahad Ahmadi Negeri Sembilan and skola ni adalah skola agama k..hee this year my little sister ade exam PMR..hahah so kne la hardwork jgn jd mcm abg dia..hee and my little brother plak baru darjah 4...masih muda and single...hahah diorg ni carik2 bulu ayam, lame2 bercantum juga...hahah diorg ni perangai pelik2 je...haha so unpredictable...well mcm mane pn diorg tetap adik2 saya...hahah

well for me..hee in another post k...hahah

p/s : ohana means family and family means nobody can get left behind(xtau la betul ke x sbb ni pn curi2 dari story lilo and stitch) love your family members very well and do take a good care of each other..yg paling penting skali jage la name baik keluarga..tu je la kot...hahah

This is us time raya...hee
from top left(Erisya, Ezra, Ezira)
from bottom left(Ezzim, Ezzat)

Thursday 8 March 2012

This Is Love

Assalamualaikum you guys...hee
saje syok2 nk share ni...nowadays semua org had their own love life including me...heee but the ultimate questions is does they love each other??hahah...soalan ni pandai2 la korg jwb eak sbb korg je yg faham perasaan pasangan korg...well a bit advice for all the male which is the minority in this small world...jaga la pasangan korg elok2 sepertimana the girls jage the boys..dalam relationship ni trustworthy la yg paling penting sbb xkira sejauh mane pn korg berjalan/belajar...selagi mane trustworthy tu ade...insya-Allah...hubungan korg akan okey...lagi satu for the guys out there...korg kne faham hati perempuan ni sbb hati diorg ni complicated bak kata Rose-Titanic "a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets, even if you swam through the deepest ocean, you will never make it through this unpredictable heart" so pandai2 la korg selami hati diorg..hee

And for the girls out there...jgn ingt korg sng eak...korg pn kne la faham perasaan seorang lelaki sbb lelaki ni pn agak unpredictable jgk bak kata Jack-Titanic "u jump, i jump, remember??" means that diorg ni sanggup buat ape je utk korg(tp yg masuk akal and munasabah je la)..ahaks..lagi satu lelaki ni try to be the best sbb men's best enemy is himself...lelaki ni perangai diorg pelik2 sikit(name pn lelaki) harap korg mengerti la k..lelaki pn ade tears jgk tau..we were tough on the outside but sometimes smooth in the inside(zaman sekarang kata dalam hati ade taman la)hahah..

For the love bird out there...jage la pasangan anda elok2..jgn biarkn luka lama berdarah kembali(ade kena-mengena tak??)hahah...a wise man pernah berkata "if u wanna find a true love, open you heart a bit and let the light in" and well just be yourself..kalau boleh sayangi and hargailah mereka sepertimana meraka sayangi dan hargai kamu...hee jgn punahkan harapan yang mereka impikan..berilah yang terbaik buat mereka yang anda sayangi k..ahaks..saya rase tu je la kut..sorry kalau ade sape2 yang terasa..jgn malu2 and jgn segan2 nk comment k..hope for a better future(pening2) hahah :)

p/s : I Love You My Princess Sobrina

Wednesday 7 March 2012

True friends

salam again...
well..friend in need is a friend indeed and saya rase xramai yg faham erti persahabatan yang sebenar...
bagi saya kawan ni macam color yg menceriakan hari2 kita dimana we share our laugh, joy, happiness, sadness, tears with them and sometimes even our secret with far i really loved my Beserian friends walaupun mereka x berapa nk betul sikit but i got to say i really love to be with them..kami ni mcm sekepala walaupun berbeza negeri and family...we are not bias in choosing our friend and yang penting skali diorg sentiase support kita..i got to say hargailah kawan2 kite kerana tanpa kawan siapalah kita di dunia yang x berapa nk besar ni..dulu time kat Langkawi saya x rase erti persahabatan walaupun 3 tahun bersama but bila saya masuk Beseri...only 2 years i need to faham erti persahabatan..kalau kat Langkawi kawan2 agak high profile and memilih kawan(ni pandangan saya la eak)..sedih jgk la saya kat kat Beseri kawan2 saling memahami..syok gila walaupun 2 tahun je tp rase mcm da lama kenal lagi2 semua low profile(walaupun ade je yg kaya)haha..mmg seronok kalau ade kawan2 mcm bdk2 Beseri Batch 26 Shoutul Falah..saya harap persahabatan kami semua kekal walaupun jauh terpisah(emo sikit)hahah....

Police Cadet of Mjsc Beseri 

Maktab Favorite Football Team 

Free post la...hee 

Band Of  Brothers 

Always together

p/s : berkawan biar beribu berkasih biar satu...pegang la kata2 ini..i'm sure you will live happily ever after
       amigos gracias por colorear mis días(buka la google translate kalau nk tau maksud)hahah

Karoke Dohhh...

Salam peps...
hee...saje nk story-mory ngan korg
well actually saya ni xbiase nk nmpk syok la plak tgk kwn2 ape lagi kite pn join the club la...mula2 malu2 kucing sikit(maklum la takut suare xsedap)haha...tiba je turn saya ape lagi pilih la lagu..saya nyanyi lagi "Ukays- Siapa Yang Rampas Cintamu"...feeling habis la...tgh2 syok2 nyanyi..tetibe ade akak ni masuk...agak terkezut la(sedap sangat ke suare aku??)hahaha...merah muka akak tu...sumpah lawak...xsangka plak ade secret admirer...hahah tp mmg syok la karoke ni..lebih2 lagi kalau ade feeling...perghhhhh layan habis hahaha....

its me...hahaha

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Bowling Time..haha :)

hallo2 kopi ke milo...
well saje je nk share story ngan u all ni..ahak
time kat langkawi kami ber-bowling haha..imagine la RM 11 equal to 3 games...gila kentang..haha dah la dpt free soft drinkd plak tu...bapak syok :)
disebabkn kitorg semua ade 9 1 lane equal to 3 lane is with Danial Fahim and Muzammil..hee
time ni semua org buat gedik..haha semua org guna name gf...haha and so for me...of course la Sobrina..hee guess what every game kite dpt strike...haha terer kut and my total points for 3 games 289 second behind Danial Fahim 297...hee semua semangat main...maklum la gune name gf pnye psl...haha strike bertubi-tubi...semua nmpk mcm pro walhal(biase2 je) hahha...
stakat ni tu je la...nnt kite upload lagi k..

Thursday 1 March 2012

Fantasy to Reality..hee :)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....
live a beautiful princess in a not so big planet called "Melawati"..she was not so tall(tp boleh la)haha..she was fairer and kind(well biase la tu name pn princess)ahak...she has a strong will in a variety of matter and i admired that..hee she was very caring princess..she also has a beautiful smile and unique laugh..but most of all she's cute..hee she live happily with her royal family...until..........(every story has it own climaxes)

One fine day..came a witch and a strong group of soldiers from planet "World behind my wall" come to kidnap the princess..if there is a princess, there must be a prince..hee well the prince come from a tiny planet called "Gombak" with his magical sword "Sony Ericsson" ..the war continued until half of the year and the prince managed to beat the witch with her strong group of soldiers...ahaks..dipendekkan cerita la ea..hee the prince had a deep crush towards the princess and decide to tell the princess about his he choose 22nd of November..on the way to the princess castle, the prince hit the street light post..then.....

Aduhhhhhh!!sakit kut..haha terjaga la putera yg bermimpi..ape lagi tgk la kat phone and ckp "pukul berapa da ni??sekarang ni berapa hari bulan eak??"..omjayyyyyy...hari ni 22/11 la and pukul 11.50 mlm plak tu..cmne ni??ape lagi call la "puteri" tu..hee..mula2 segan nk ckp tp name pn lelaki kn gagah kn jgk..haha org kate kat saya yg "ingatlah wahai pemuda, peluang hanya datang sekali seumur hidup dan rebutlah peluang tu"..kite pn ckp la yg kite nk dia jd SGF kite(special gf la)hee..and dia ckp "yes"..haha and that night x boleh nk tidur(terlampau seronok)haha..well i think u know who kn..hee

p/s : I Love You Princess Sobrina