Tuesday 21 February 2012

Happy Us Two Month..hee :)

Hye there...
hee...just wanna say that Happy Us Two Month..22/12/2011 sharp at 12 midnight i ask her to be my special girlfriend..and she said yes...ahaks :) and mlm tu jgk i can't sleep sbb seronok(pelik2 je saya ni)haha...she's really cute when she smile and laugh..really love it..hope that relationship ni kekal and smooth all the way..always been understanding to you..hee well she's mine now(bangga kejap)hahah...:p

 Happy Two Month..hee :)

Just three magical words that i need to say to you "I Love You" and will always love you..hee :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, I admire the big heart so much. Praying for the better tomorrow :) love you ezzat
