Wednesday 29 February 2012

Le Routine..hee :)

whats up boys and girls..dato and datin..hee :)
saje2 nk story sikit bout my so called daily routine duduk kat rumah..haha
well saya ni jenis yg bgn awal(kadang2 je) usual lepas teman my little bro Ezzim Ezail Mazhar to school..kite pn g la mandi around 7.30 pagi(lebih kurang la)hee..then ape lagi brekfast time with my ibu and almost everyday breakfast skali kadang2 tu ayah pn join skali..hee..selepas mengenyangkan perut..reading time!!hee..kite bace buku Cage Of Stars by Jacquelyn Mitchard..then g la basuh pinggan and angkat kain..hee(bapak rajin)..around pukul 1.30 Ezzim pn balik..haha..lunch same2 with ayah and Ezzim..after that hantar Ezzim p skola agame plak(sian dia letih)..ptg plak ape lagi riadah la..hee saya selalu g main bola ngan jiran saya and kami mmg rapat sejak dia Adib Reza..selalu before g main kite text dia "dib, petang ni main x??kalau main dtg rumah aku"hee..maklum la dia da ade lesen P(motor la tp)..then lepas mandi solat time with Ezzim!!hee lepas je habis study, dinner same2..ibu ayah Ezzim and me..haha as for me..mcm biase la online dlu tgk what happen on FB(biasenye skype ngan Datin la)hee..lepas skype bagai..tidur la, ape lagi..hee well lebih kurang begini la my routine

p/s : before tdo jgn lupe basuh kaki and basuh la ape yg patut k and bila bgn pagi tu gosok2 la gigi anda..hee

Monday 27 February 2012

Story Time..hee

Hello...hee :)
well story ni terjadi when saya Form 4...hee..story tu start mcm ni...
ade satu hari tu...a group of students telah terpilih utk menyertai Kem ape tah(tp melibatkan keagamaan la)hee..only naughty students were selected..hahah and saya adalah salah sorg drpd naughty students tu...haha
the camp was at Negeri Sembilan...but unfortunately bus rosak dkt tol juru so terpaksa la balik maktb balik..
sampai je kat maktab..i terus call ayah..hee "ayah, kalau ejat nk balik boleh tak??" then ayah cakap "balik la tp kau nk balik naik ape and alasan ape kau nk buat??" after 5 minutes of thinking, kite pn ckp kat ayah balik "urmmm, ejat ckp la kat cikgu yg my aunt sakit, lagipun ejat malas nk punggah barang balik" and by that time maktab expand 3 days of school special for Form 4 students..ape lagi take advantage la balik 3 hari awal..hahah ayah ckp balik "suka hati kau la" and yes green light from ayah..haha dng sepantas kilat kite p jumpa ngan cikgu Jalil, ckp kat dia nk balik sbb my aunt sakit..cikgu pn on je..haha my bus mlm tu pukul 8.45 and expected time of arrival kat duta around pkul 2 pagi..but something magical happened, kite tertido and terjage pukul 7 pagi..omjayyyyy duta da terlepas...haha then my dad call "kau kat mane jat?? time tu still blur lagi (maklum la baru bangun)haha.."machap tu kat mane yah?? then suddenly......i saw bendera Johor terpacak kat tgh2 ladang ape tah...hahah "ayah, ejat ade kat Johor la...haha ayah ckp "pandai2 la kau balik KL ea..haha nasib baik la kite pandai menawar dpt la tiket murah from Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur..hee so dipendekkan story sampai la rumah around pukul 8.50 mlm hahah 24 hours ni la pengalaman seumur hidup..

p/s : jgn la try tipu org especially cikgu..sbb nnt  boleh jd mcm saya...hahah

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Happy Us Two Month..hee :)

Hye there...
hee...just wanna say that Happy Us Two Month..22/12/2011 sharp at 12 midnight i ask her to be my special girlfriend..and she said yes...ahaks :) and mlm tu jgk i can't sleep sbb seronok(pelik2 je saya ni)haha...she's really cute when she smile and laugh..really love it..hope that relationship ni kekal and smooth all the way..always been understanding to you..hee well she's mine now(bangga kejap)hahah...:p

 Happy Two Month..hee :)

Just three magical words that i need to say to you "I Love You" and will always love you..hee :)

Sunday 19 February 2012

Just Do it Vs Impossible Is Nothing

Hola amigos... :D

lately my big brains bnyk berfikir..urmmm just do it or impossible is nothing??which one is better??
dlm dunia yg xberapa nk besar ni kite kne tau bila nk gne Just Do It or impossible Is nothing or maybe guna je dua2..for me these two ayat have a different meaning (ni opinion saye k)..firstly i wanna say about Just Do It..this so called motto is taken from Nike the Greek goddess of victory..well this motto is suitable foe those who dare to take the risk and sometimes people who take the risk are more succeed in the future..just believe in yourself and do it..what the worse thing can happen but please use it when is necessary and don't use "Just Do It" when u do something bad or nonsense..
think about it... 

just believe and just do it


and now for the second part Impossible Is Nothing..this motto was use by Adidas company..Adidas was founded in 1948 by Adolf "Adi" Dassler, following the split of Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik between him and his older brother Rudolf..from a small company become the first sports brand company in the world with total assets €10.62 billion (end 2010) which beat Adidas rival Nike that has US$ 14.419 billion (end 2010) for us that have a big dreams impossible is nothing..if they can succeed so do we..try to dream the impossible so that the higher we aim the higher the spirit we gain to achieve the aim..we are who we are and nothing will stop or block your way/path to become someone you desire to be in the future..

Adidas the best performance..

if David Beckham thinks Impossible Is Nothing why can't we??

Last but not least..think and use for the best that can guide you to achieve your aim..don't you ever mess up your mind with ridiculous behavior or thing..
so which one is better??

Hanim Khaleeda Ismail

Hola senor/senorita...
me wanna tell you something about my cheerful-talkative-talented-magnifico and wonderful buddy Mrs. Hanim Khaleeda Ismail..:) as u all know kami ni sebaya so bnyk la bnde yg kami share time kat MRSM Beseri..time2 dkt SPM...she is the one who teach me and she became my only TUTOR..haha bpk semangat dia mengajar and now dia jd cikgu tuition..haha unbeliveable..ahaks :D

le conclusion..hee thanx for always supporting me and helping me no matter what..hope boleh gossip lagi ngan Mrs. Hanim A.S.A.P :)

p/s : kalau ade pape hal just inform me k and last but not least something that i learn from Spain..hee
       ( mostrar al mundo entero que se puede confiar en ti mismo y quenada te detenga )..use Google Translate if you nk tau maksud dia..hee 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Riadah Time

baru start main bola balik after 3 month tidak bermain...hee
stamina pn cm still better la :)