Friday 20 January 2012


Hye again...heee :)
not much to say but here it is...hee to my super duper sweet-caring-loyal-trustworthy-dearest girlfriend,   Datin Sobrina :)
i'm always been understanding to you...hee :)
having u in my big red heart always makes me happy and cheer up my world whenever i'm
absolutely  lonely..hee :)
kept thinking of you whenever i listened to My Heart Will Go On, by Celin Dion...hee
i also love you with all my heart and deep down my heart i hope that this relationship will keep on going
smoothly and happily..hee
do take care and have fun k...i'll be back within 3 weeks
"Come live in my heart and pay no rent"
haha..this is true and please pay no rent k :)
i'm totally happy with a wonderful special girlfriend named Nur Sobrina..

"You know when you have found your prince because you not only have a smile on your face but in your heart as well"
i also found my sweet-caring princess..hee :)
girl u just amazing...just the way u are..
I Love You Datin :)

Thursday 19 January 2012

22/12/2011 a date to remember :)

 always been..hee :)
post ni suppose di buat pada 22/1/2012 tp time tu i'm already on my way to Cairo
so here it is...hee to my Datin..well a month da kita eak time 22/1/2012 nnt..hee
totally i'm happy with you... hee :) Datin look extra cute when dia blushing...omjayyyyyyyy haha :)
she is special in some way plus special to me..hee :)..sepanjang sesi suai kenal ngan Datin, bnyk bnde yg dia ajar and share ngan kita..really appreciate it :)
thnx so much Datin..she is absolutely loving and caring person which makes me cair and miss her everyday...hahah
"Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart"
i'm really glad that the special person that catch your heart and get a key to your heart is ME..
i'm a man of my word as i had promised to you..
When I see your face,There's not a thing that I would change.Cause you're amazing,Just the way you are.And when you smile,The whole world stops and stares for a while.'Cause girl you're amazing,Just the way you are.
Last but no least..hee :)

Friday 13 January 2012

My Inspirational On The Pitch :)

Remember the name..
Name Steven as Midfielder for Liverpool f.c..worn the number 8 shirt and lead his team to glory..was born on 30 May 1980..Liverpool captain and also known as "Captain Fantastic"

My Books :)

My kak ngah bought this book for me..hee like it so much :)

No Fear

There are four ways you can handle fear. You can go over it, under it, or around it. But if you are ever to put fear behind you, you must walk straight through it. Once you put fear behind you, leave it there.
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Wednesday 11 January 2012

WWM (Wangsa Walk Mall) :)

 Hanim Khaleeda :)
 Me with Datin and Alya at Fullhouse
hye :)
seronok jgk la smlm dpt hang out ngan diorg hee..diorg semua sporting n cool haha..
kami g makan, bowling and tgk wayang...walaupun awkward sbb sorg je laki tp lame2 okey la jgk..hee
Datin nmpk sweet :)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Hee :)

hye2 :) 
jika ade Dato mst la kne ade Datin..hee so inilah my Datin :)
br knl time f5 kat kelas Ardent..hee dia yg duduk belakang saya dlm kelas before kami pindah kelas hee
Datin Nur Sobrina ni mula2 kita tgk dia agak pendiam la jgk tp as soon as kita knl dia she's totally a wonderful n caring person and i like it so much..there is one thing that i like the most is when she smile n she laugh...omjayyy so sweet...boleh cair tau haha :) so inilah a little bit about my special girlfriend so called Datin..
I Love You Datin <3

Paris n Spain :)

Gonna stay near Eiffel Tower about 3 days..hee :) 
then pergi Spain..pusing2 satu Spain about a week..kakak cerita dia nk bwk g Barcelona...Madrid...Seville and bnyk lagi la..maybe sempat main Ski kut...hahah :)

Flight to Cairo

already got my ticket to Cairo and dari situ me and my two sister g Spain n Paris about 3 weeks there baru la saya balik Malaysia..hee

Sunday 8 January 2012

When I'm Gone - Eminem


                                        with Belong Fr7 and Arif Afifi
we are ONE!!!
speechless time SUPER kat MRSM Balik Pulau...heee i lead my team to become the northern zone CHAMPION and time ni word 'LETIH' langsung tak terkeluar dari mulut...semua semangat main bola and really miss to play with them 'hidup bola, tidur bola, makan bola'...haha                                                                 

Annual Dinner..hee :)

                                              saya bagi dkt DATIN time annual dinner batch...
                                                  the one with letter B..hee :)

Rose Pink :)

When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. When you cried you had my urge to hold you. When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever....I love You Datin

N9 vs Red Warriors

syok gila time ni...
before sampai bukit jalil, train full with red warriors fan..
tgk bola dgn Nazran Azraai Ibrahim and Muzammil
sork gila2 plus with joget......hahaha
N9 menang pulak 2, lagi syok...

First Timer

i'm new here
lots of new thing to post hee